Site Fees

The basic cost of selling an item is the listing fee plus the sale transaction fee, plus fees for any optional features and services you may use.

User Signup Price
User Sign-up Fee $0.00 USD
Listing Setup [ From (>=) - To (<) ] Fee Amount
$10.00 USD - $99.99 USD 7.00%
$100.00 USD - $999.99 USD 5.00%
$1,000.00 USD - $999,999.99 USD $10.00 USD
Listing Upgrades Fee Amount
Home Page Featuring $2.48 USD
Category Pages Featuring $1.28 USD
Highlighted Item $0.31 USD
Listing Images $0.08 USD
Additional Category Listing $1.00 USD
Buy Out $0.41 USD
Reserve Price $0.33 USD
Make Offer $0.38 USD
Sale Transaction Paid By [ From (>=) - To (<) ] Fee Amount
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $0.01 USD - $999.99 USD 5.00%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $1,000.00 USD - $9,999.99 USD 4.00%
Sale Transaction Fee Seller $10,000.00 USD - $999,999.99 USD $10.00 USD
Store Subscription Details Price
Standard recurring every 30 days, 25 listings $10.00 USD
Premium recurring every 30 days, 100 listings $25.00 USD
Platinum recurring every 30 days, 1000 listings, featured store $100.00 USD
Unlimited one time fee, 5000 listings, featured store $200.00 USD